Natural language processing on primary studies selected from meta-analyses¶
This notebook explore natural language processing (NLP) techniques on the corpus of primary studies selected in the review of meta-analyses. It will explore:
- topic modelling
- relationship extraction
NOTE: this notebook needs the full-text papers to run. For copyright reasons, these are not provided with the notebooks.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import pandas as pd
import time
import os
import shutil
import re
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
from lxml import etree, html
import requests
import requests_cache
import spacy
from spacy.matcher import Matcher, PhraseMatcher
from spacy import displacy
import json
from pprint import pprint
import networkx as nx # drawing network graph
import unicodedata
from io import StringIO
from scipy import stats
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
import warnings
datadir = '../data/from-meta/'
outputdir = datadir + '../../figures/'
dfscore = pd.DataFrame(columns={'step', 'n', 'recall', 'precision', 'f1', 'match'})
def camelCase(x):
return x.lower()[0] + x.title().replace(' ','')[1:]
# some statistics (start here)
dfpub = pd.read_csv(datadir + 'fromMeta.csv')
print('total entries:', dfpub.shape[0])
print('with doi:', dfpub['DOI'].notnull().sum())
print('retrieved:', dfpub['retrieved'].sum())
# we will only work with the ones which have full-text
dfpub = dfpub[dfpub['retrieved']].reset_index(drop=True)
total entries: 1964
with doi: 1964
retrieved: 1469
# creating rawdocs and extract text
rawdocs = []
c = 0
for fname in dfpub['fname']:
# convert to text (only need to do it once)
#os.system('pdftotext "' + datadir + 'papers/' + fname + '.pdf"')
fpath = datadir + 'papers/' + fname + '.txt'
if os.path.exists(fpath):
with open(fpath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
text =
if len(text) > 100:
print('document too small', fname)
c += 1
print('error with', fname)
print('path not found for', fname, fpath) # pdf are empty
print('imported:', c, '/', dfpub.shape[0])
imported: 154 / 154
Detecting abstract, references sections¶
Abstract is detected based on rules (specific keywords identfied, paragraph identified). The references section is also identified. Both abstract and references are removed from the main document, rawdocs
is overwritten.
# detect abstract, keywords, reference, title - overwrite rawdocs!
abstracts = []
rawdocs = []
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['fname', 'start', 'end', 'length', 'code'])
dfpub['abstract'] = pd.NA
for i, fname in enumerate(dfpub.loc[:, 'fname']):
fpath = datadir + 'papers/' + str(fname) + '.txt'
code = '' # determine how the abstract was found
if (pd.isna(fname) is False) & (os.path.exists(fpath)):
with open(fpath, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
doc =
splitdoc = re.split('a b s t r a c t|abstract|ABSTRACT|Abstract|A B S T R A C T|Summary|s u m m a r y|SUMMARY', doc)
foundStart = True
if len(splitdoc) == 1:
foundStart = False
text = '\n'.join(splitdoc[1:]) if len(splitdoc) > 1 else splitdoc[0] # if not keyword abstract found, take all
# assuming first paragraph is the abstract
splitEnd = re.split('Published|Introduction|Copyright|©|Keywords|keywords|KEYWORDS|KEY WORDS|Citation', text)
foundEnd = True
if len(splitEnd) == 1:
foundEnd = False
#print('abstract end not found', fname)
paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
ps = []
a = ''
# we only want paragraphs split that are more than 10 characters
for p in paragraphs:
a = a + '\n\n' + p
if len(a) > 10:
a = ''
if foundStart is True:
abstract = ps[0]
code = 'ps[0]'
# without detection of the start or end, we
# blindly assume that abstract is first paragraph
abstract = ps[1]
code = 'first'
print('abstract = first paragraph', fname)
abstract = ''
for j, s in enumerate(splitEnd):
if len(s) > 50 and abstract == '':
abstract = s
code = 's{:d}'.format(j)
# cleaning up the abstract
if abstract[0] in [':', '.']:
abstract = abstract[1:]
abstract = abstract.strip()
# edge case (if we have two first large paragraphs)
ts = abstract.split('\n\n')
if len(ts) > 1:
if (len(ts[0]) > 800) & (len(ts[1]) > 800):
abstract = ts[0]
#print(fname, 'first')
code = 'ts[0]'
abstract = ts[1]
#print(fname, 'second')
code = 'ts[1]'
# write down abstract for manual assessment
with open(fpath.replace('.txt', '-abstract.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
df = df.append({'fname': fname, 'start': foundStart, 'end':
foundEnd, 'length': len(abstract), 'code': code},
# add the abstract to dfpub
dfpub.loc[i, 'abstract'] = abstract
# remove the abstract from the body
body = text.replace(abstract, '')
# remove the references
#if len(re.findall('r(é|e)f(é|e)rences?|r ?e ?f ?e ?r ?e ?n ?c ?e ?s?', body, flags=re.IGNORECASE)) == 0:
# print('no ref found for', fname)
parts = re.split('\n\s?r(é|e)f(é|e)rences?\n|\n\s?r ?e ?f ?e ?r ?e ?n ?c ?e ?s?\n', body, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if len(parts) > 2: # at least one 'reference' found
body = '\nReferences\n'.join([a for a in parts[:-1] if a is not None])
body = body
#print('ref not found for', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'])
# for old papers with no ref section parsed to OCR, that's often the case
# failsafe for badly detected abstract
ratio = len(body) / len(text)
if ratio < 0.6:
print('abstract probably not well detected for', fname, '(ratio: {:.2f})'.format(ratio))
body = text
print(fpath, 'not found')
print('number of abstract detected:', dfpub['abstract'].notnull().sum(), '/', dfpub.shape[0])
abstract probably not well detected for jacques2002 (ratio: 0.47)
abstract = first paragraph miller1998
abstract probably not well detected for schwartz2002 (ratio: 0.12)
abstract probably not well detected for schwärzel2011 (ratio: 0.23)
number of abstract detected: 154 / 154
Rule-based extraction¶
This section uses regular expression (RegEx) to extract information from documents. The recovered values are checked against a manually built database to evaluate their status.
Available status:
- If in the db:
Not parsed
: we didn't recover anything from NLP
Not matched
: we recover smth but it did not matched
: we recover smth and it matches
- If not in the db:
: the info is not in Bonares and we recovered nothing
: we recover smth but we cannot compared it as Bonares entry is emtpy

# prepare dfssp which contains soil site property
dfssp = pd.read_excel(datadir + 'dfssp.xlsx')
dfexp = pd.read_excel(datadir + 'dfexp.xlsx')
dfssp = pd.merge(dfssp, dfexp, on='SSPName', how='left')
# soil_type and soil_texture are manually created to reflect what is really written in the text
# prepare dfloc which contains the manually parsed location and precipitation
dfloc = pd.read_excel(datadir + 'dfloc.xlsx', na_values=-9999)
dfexp = pd.read_excel(datadir + 'dfexp.xlsx')
dfexp = dfexp[['Location', 'ReferenceTag']].drop_duplicates()
dfloc = pd.merge(dfloc, dfexp, on='Location', how='left')
dfloc = dfloc[dfloc.columns[~dfloc.columns.str.contains('Unnamed')]]
print('{:d} studies with {:d} locations'.format(
dfloc['ReferenceTag'].unique().shape[0], dfloc['lat'].notnull().sum()))
174 studies with 154 locations
# prepare dfmtf to check diameter and tensions available
dfexp = pd.read_excel(datadir + 'dfexp.xlsx')
dfmtf = pd.read_excel(datadir + 'dfmtf.xlsx')
dfmtf = pd.merge(dfmtf, dfexp, on='MTFName')
dfmtf = dfmtf.replace(-9999, np.nan)
Extract soil type¶
# load soils from keyword trees
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeFAO.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeFAO = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeQualifiersFAO.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeQualifiersFAO = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeGER.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeGER = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeWRB.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeWRB = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeQualifiersWRB.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeQualifiersWRB = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeSpecifiersWRB.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeSpecifiersWRB = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeUSDA.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeUSDA = json.load(f)
with open(datadir + '../keyword-trees/SoilTypeQualifiersUSDA.json', 'r') as f:
soilTypeQualifiersUSDA = json.load(f)
soilvoct = [soilTypeFAO, soilTypeWRB, soilTypeUSDA] # soilTypeGER,
soilvocq = [soilTypeQualifiersFAO, soilTypeQualifiersWRB,
soilTypeSpecifiersWRB, soilTypeQualifiersUSDA]
soilvoc = []
for a in soilvoct:
for b in a['children']:
if 'children' in b.keys():
for c in b['children']:
if 'children' in c.keys():
for d in c['children']:
soilvoc = [a.lower() for a in soilvoc]
soilvoc += [a[:-1] for a in soilvoc if a[-1] == 's']
# FAO pattern
qualifiers = [dic['value'].strip() for dic in soilTypeQualifiersFAO['children']]
soiltypes = [dic['value'].strip() for dic in soilTypeFAO['children']]
soiltypes += [a + 's' for a in soiltypes]
faoPattern = '({:s})?\s?({:s})?\s?({:s})'.format(
'|'.join(qualifiers), '|'.join(qualifiers), '|'.join(soiltypes))
# WRB pattern
qualifiers = []
for dic in soilTypeQualifiersWRB:
qualifiers = list(set(qualifiers))
qualifiers = [a.strip() for a in qualifiers]
soiltypes = [dic['value'].strip() for dic in soilTypeWRB['children']]
soiltypes += [a + 's' for a in soiltypes]
wrbPattern = '({:s})?\s?({:s})?\s?({:s})'.format(
'|'.join(qualifiers), '|'.join(qualifiers), '|'.join(soiltypes))
# USDA pattern
soiltypes = []
for a in soilTypeUSDA['children']:
if 'children' in a.keys():
for b in a['children']:
if 'children' in b.keys():
for c in b['children']:
soiltypes += [a[:-1] for a in soiltypes if a[-1] == 's']
qualifiers = [dic['value'] for dic in soilTypeQualifiersUSDA]
usdaPattern = '({:s})?\s?({:s})?\s?({:s})'.format(
'|'.join(qualifiers), '|'.join(qualifiers), '|'.join(soiltypes))
# extract soil
dfssp['soil_type_status'] = 'unavailable'
dfssp['soil_type_nlp'] = pd.NA
for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
text = doc.replace('\n', ' ')
soilmatches = re.findall(wrbPattern, text)
soilmatches += re.findall(faoPattern, text)
soilmatches += re.findall(usdaPattern, text)
soiltypes = list(set([' '.join(a).replace(' ', ' ').strip() for a in soilmatches]))
ie = dfssp['ReferenceTag'] == dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag']
for j in np.where(ie)[0]:
if len(soiltypes) > 0:
dfssp.loc[i, 'soil_type_nlp'] = '|'.join(soiltypes)
if dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'] == 'unavailable':
dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'] = 'parsed'
elif dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'] == 'not parsed':
dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'] = 'not matched'
if pd.isna(dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type']) == False:
for soiltype in soiltypes:
if soiltype.lower() in dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type'].lower():
# if we have at least one match, then it's good
dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'] = 'matched'
if dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'] in []:# ['parsed']: # for debugging
print(dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type_status'], '> label:', dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_type'], '| nlp:',
soiltypes, '<<', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'], '>>', dfssp.loc[j, 'SSPName'], i, j)
print(dfssp['soil_type_nlp'].notnull().sum(), 'soil types found')
# bagarello2010: soil in a table so hard to parse
# holden2014: Andisol is mentionned in the text but it's not the fieldsite
# graph
ie = dfssp['soil_type_nlp'].notnull()
soiltypes = np.hstack([a.split('|') for a in dfssp[ie]['soil_type_nlp']])
s = pd.Series(soiltypes)
s.value_counts()[:20]'Count', xlabel='Soil types');

def mode(x):
return stats.mode(x).mode[0]
dfmode = dfssp.groupby('ReferenceTag').agg(mode)
matched 94
unavailable 72
parsed 8
Name: soil_type_status, dtype: int64
# scores on the selection of relevant information
df = dfmode['soil_type_status'].value_counts()
n = df.sum()
if 'not matched' not in df.index:
df['not matched'] = 0
df['relevant'] = df['matched'] + df['not matched']
tp = df['relevant']
fp = df['parsed'] if 'parsed' in df.index else 0
tn = df['unavailable'] if 'unavailable' in df.index else 0
fn = df['not parsed'] if 'not parsed' in df.index else 0
recall = tp/(tp + fn)
precision = tp/(tp + fp)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
match = (df['matched'] + df['unavailable'])/(tp+tn+fn+fp)
print('recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall))
print('precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision))
print('F1 score: {:.2f}'.format(f1))
print('match: {:.2f}'.format(match))
dfscore = dfscore.append(
{'step': 'Soil type (WRB/USDA)',
'n': n,
'recall': recall,
'precision': precision,
'f1': f1,
'match': match,
'method': 'Regex + dict.',
}, ignore_index=True)
Very high precision due to the specific lexic of soil types. False positive occurs when soil types is mention in the main text but is not related to the field site.
Extract soil texture¶
# soil texture
# note the vocs needs to be from the longest one to the shortest one as the
# regex re.findall() will stop at the first match found
voc = [
'sandy clay loam', 'silty clay loam',
'loamy sand', 'sandy loam', 'clay loam', 'sandy clay',
'silty clay', 'silt loam',
'sand', 'silt', 'clay', 'loam'
#text = "the experiment took place on a silty clay loam and a clay loam"
#print(re.findall('|'.join(voc), text.lower()))
# extract soil textures
dfssp['soil_texture_status'] = 'unavailable'
dfssp.loc[dfssp['soil_texture'].notnull(), 'soil_texture_status'] = 'not parsed' # available in db but not parsed
dfssp['soil_texture_nlp'] = pd.NA
for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
# spacy phrase matcher is a bit slower than re module
# re.findall() will stop at the first match, as we've ordered the voc
# from the longest to the smallest, we avoid matching twice 'sandy clay loam'
# for 'clay loam' or 'clay' or 'loam' but only for 'sandy clay loam'
text = doc.lower()
# remove sand occurence usually applied for better contact with permeameter
text = re.sub('(fine\s+sand|moist\s+\sand|contact\ssand|sand\s+pad|washed\s+sand|(sand|clay|silt)\s+content)', '', text)
if len(re.findall('fine\s+sand', text)) > 0:
print('+++++++++++++++', re.findall('fine\s+sand', text))
matches = re.findall('|'.join(voc), text) # maybe case would help here actually
umatches = np.unique(matches)
ie = dfssp['ReferenceTag'] == dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag']
# check against manually inputed values
for j in np.where(ie)[0]: # index in dfssp
if len(umatches) > 0:
dfssp.loc[ie, 'soil_texture_nlp'] = '|'.join(umatches)
if dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'] == 'unavailable':
dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'] = 'parsed'
elif dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'] == 'not parsed':
dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'] = 'not matched'
if pd.isna(dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture']) == False:
for umatch in umatches:
if umatch in dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture']:
dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'] = 'matched'
# selective print for debugging
if dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'] in []:#'not matched', 'parsed', 'not parsed']:
print(dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture_status'], '> label:', dfssp.loc[j, 'soil_texture'], '| nlp:', umatches,
'<<', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'], '>>', dfssp.loc[j, 'SSPName'], i, j)
# bodner2013 : coming from abstract and references
# carey2007: fine layer of moist sand applied
# cey2009 should match, it's a silt loam
# contact sand, sand content, clay content
# graph
ie = dfssp['soil_texture_nlp'].notnull()
items = np.hstack([a.split('|') for a in dfssp[ie]['soil_texture_nlp']])
s = pd.Series(items)
s.value_counts()[:20]'Count', xlabel='Soil textures');

# group per publication to have meaningfull stats
def mode(x):
return stats.mode(x).mode[0]
dfmode = dfssp.groupby('ReferenceTag').agg(mode)
matched 143
not parsed 20
parsed 8
unavailable 2
not matched 1
Name: soil_texture_status, dtype: int64
# scores on the selection of relevant information
df = dfmode['soil_texture_status'].value_counts()
if 'not matched' not in df.index:
df['not matched'] = 0
n = df.sum()
df['relevant'] = df['matched'] + df['not matched']
tp = df['relevant']
fp = df['parsed'] if 'parsed' in df.index else 0
tn = df['unavailable'] if 'unavailable' in df.index else 0
fn = df['not parsed'] if 'not parsed' in df.index else 0
recall = tp/(tp + fn)
precision = tp/(tp + fp)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
match = (df['matched'] + df['unavailable'])/(tp+tn+fn+fp)
print('recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall))
print('precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision))
print('F1 score: {:.2f}'.format(f1))
print('match: {:.2f}'.format(match))
dfscore = dfscore.append(
{'step': 'Soil texture (USDA)',
'n': n,
'recall': recall,
'precision': precision,
'f1': f1,
'match': match,
'method': 'Regex + dict.'},
Extract rainfall¶
# extract mean annual rainfall
dfloc['rainfall_status'] = 'unavailable'
dfloc.loc[dfloc['rainfall'].notnull(), 'rainfall_status'] = 'not parsed' # available in db but not parsed
dfloc['rainfall_nlp'] = pd.NA
for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
text = doc.replace('\n',' ').lower()
text = re.sub('\([a-z\s]+\., \d{4}\)', '', text) # remove citation in parenthesis
text = text = re.sub('[^0-9a-z.,\s\-–]', '', text) # remove other characters
matches = re.findall('((?:cumulated|annual|average)[a-z\s]+(?:rainfall|rain|precipitation))(?:[a-z\s]+)?(\d+[.-\–]?\d+c)?[a-z\s]+(\d+\.?,?\d+(?:-|–|\sand\s|\sto\s)?(?:\d+)?)\s?(m\s?m|cm)', text)
umatches = []
for a in matches:
if a[-1] == 'mm':
s = a[-2]
elif a[-1] == 'cm':
s = '{:.0f}'.format(float(a[-2])*10)
if ('-' in s) or ('–' in s) or ('to' in s):
s = '{:.0f}'.format(np.mean([float(a) for a in re.split('-|–|to', s)]))
s = s.replace(',', '')
if 'and' in s:
umatches.append(s.split(' and ')[0])
umatches.append(s.split(' and ')[1])
ie = dfloc['ReferenceTag'] == dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag']
# check against manually inputed values
for j in np.where(ie)[0]: # index in dfloc
if len(umatches) > 0:
dfloc.loc[ie, 'rainfall_nlp'] = '|'.join(umatches)
if dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'] == 'unavailable':
dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'] = 'parsed'
elif dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'] == 'not parsed':
dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'] = 'not matched'
if pd.isna(dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall']) == False:
if dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall'] in [float(u) for u in umatches]:
dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'] = 'matched'
# selective print for debugging
if dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'] in []:#'not matched', 'parsed', 'not parsed']:
print(dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall_status'], '> label:', dfloc.loc[j, 'rainfall'], '| nlp:', umatches,
'<<', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'], '>>', dfloc.loc[j, 'Location'], i, j)
# comments
# beibei2016: one line out of two is intercalted because of bad conversion of pdf2txt
# miller2008: provide per year average, use of pronouns for the long-term average
# swcharzel2011: not full text provided only abstract or so
# zeng2013b: range with each with unit 234 mm to 240 mm
# group per publication to have meaningfull stats
def mode(x):
return stats.mode(x).mode[0]
dfmode = dfloc.groupby('ReferenceTag').agg(mode)
unavailable 94
matched 60
not parsed 15
not matched 5
Name: rainfall_status, dtype: int64
# scores on the selection of relevant information
df = dfmode['rainfall_status'].value_counts()
n = df.sum()
df['relevant'] = df['matched'] + df['not matched']
tp = df['relevant']
fp = df['parsed'] if 'parsed' in df.index else 0
tn = df['unavailable'] if 'unavailable' in df.index else 0
fn = df['not parsed'] if 'not parsed' in df.index else 0
recall = tp/(tp + fn)
precision = tp/(tp + fp)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
match = (df['matched'] + df['unavailable'])/(tp+tn+fn+fp)
print('recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall))
print('precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision))
print('F1 score: {:.2f}'.format(f1))
print('match: {:.2f}'.format(match))
dfscore = dfscore.append(
{'step': 'Rainfall',
'n': n,
'recall': recall,
'precision': precision,
'f1': f1,
'match': match,
'method': 'Regex'},
Extract altitude¶
# extract altitude/elevation (but we don't have labelled values)
for i, text in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
match1 = re.findall('((\d+)\s?m[a-z\s]+(altitude|elevation))', text.replace('\n',' ').lower())
match2 = re.findall('((altitude|elevation)[a-z\s]+(\d+)\s?m)', text.replace('\n',' ').lower())
match = match1 + match2
doc = text.replace('\n', ' ').lower()
matchd = [doc[m.start()-20:m.end()+20] for m in re.finditer('(altitude|elevation)', doc)]
#print(dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'], matchd, match)
Extract disk diameter¶
# extract disk radius
dfmtf['diameter_status'] = 'unavailable'
dfmtf.loc[dfmtf['diameter'].notnull(), 'diameter_status'] = 'not parsed' # available in db but not parsed
dfmtf['diameter_nlp'] = pd.NA
for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
text = doc.replace('\n',' ').lower()
match1 = re.findall('(radius|diameter)[a-z\s]+(\d+\.?\d+)\s?(cm|mm)', text)
match2 = re.findall('(\d+\.?\d+)\s?(cm|mm)[a-z\s]+(radius|diameter)', text)
match = match1 + match2
umatches = []
for a in match1:
val = float(a[1])
val = val/10 if a[2] == 'mm' else val
val = val * 2 if a[0] == 'radius' else val
for a in match2:
val = float(a[0])
val = val/10 if a[1] == 'mm' else val
val = val * 2 if a[2] == 'radius' else val
if len(umatches) > 0:
# check against manually inputed values
ie = dfmtf['ReferenceTag'] == dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag']
dfmtf.loc[ie, 'diameter_nlp'] = '|'.join([str(a) for a in umatches])
for j in np.where(ie)[0]: # index in dfmtf
if dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'] == 'unavailable':
dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'] = 'parsed'
elif dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'] == 'not parsed':
dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'] = 'not matched'
if pd.isna(dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter']) == False:
if dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter'] in umatches:
dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'] = 'matched'
# selective print for debugging
if dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'] in []:#'not matched', 'parsed']:
print(dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter_status'], i, '--', j, '++++', dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter'], umatches,
'<<', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'])
if False: # set to True for debuggin
for j in np.where(ie)[0]:
# if the db says that we have something but the nlp hasn't detected it
if pd.isna(dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter']) == False:
print('not parsed', '> label:', dfmtf.loc[j, 'diameter'], '| nlp: []',
'<<', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'], '>>', dfmtf.loc[j, 'MTFName'])
# comments
# group per publication to have meaningfull stats
def mode(x):
return stats.mode(x).mode[0]
dfmode = dfmtf.groupby('ReferenceTag').agg(mode)
matched 59
not parsed 49
not matched 35
parsed 19
unavailable 12
Name: diameter_status, dtype: int64
# scores on the selection of relevant information
df = dfmode['diameter_status'].value_counts()
n = df.sum()
df['relevant'] = df['matched'] + df['not matched']
tp = df['relevant']
fp = df['parsed'] if 'parsed' in df.index else 0
tn = df['unavailable'] if 'unavailable' in df.index else 0
fn = df['not parsed'] if 'not parsed' in df.index else 0
recall = tp/(tp + fn)
precision = tp/(tp + fp)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
match = (df['matched'] + df['unavailable'])/(tp+tn+fn+fp)
print('recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall))
print('precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision))
print('F1 score: {:.2f}'.format(f1))
print('match: {:.2f}'.format(match))
dfscore = dfscore.append(
{'step': 'Disk diameter',
'n': n,
'recall': recall,
'precision': precision,
'f1': f1,
'match': match,
'method': 'Regex'},
Extract tensions¶
Issue: most tensions are only given in the graphs or in tables (so hard to parse). Few are given in the text and we would need manual labelling to obtain a score.
# extract tensions used
dfm = dfpub.merge(dfexp).merge(dfmtf)
dfm['Tmin_nlp'] = np.nan
dfm['Tmax_nlp'] = np.nan
dfm['Tmin_status'] = 'not available'
dfm['Tmax_status'] = 'not available'
dfm.loc[dfm['Tmin'].notnull(), 'Tmin_status'] = 'not parsed'
dfm.loc[dfm['Tmax'].notnull(), 'Tmax_status'] = 'not parsed'
# number of references with different Tmin/Tmax (std is not 0)
print(dfm.groupby('ReferenceTag').std()['Tmax'].abs().gt(0).sum(), 'refs with multiple Tmin/Tmax')
for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
text = doc.replace('\n', ' ').lower()
#matches = re.findall('(\-?\s?\d{1,3},\s)+\s+and\s+(\-?\s?\d{1,3}\s(mm|cm))', text)
text = text.replace(' and ', ', ')
matches = re.findall('((?:(?:-?\d+),?\s){2,})\s?(mm|cm|kPa)', text)
tmin, tmax = np.nan, np.nan
if len(matches) > 0:
if ',' in matches[0][0]:
tt = np.abs([float(a.strip()) for a in matches[0][0].split(',')])
if matches[0][-1] == 'cm':
tt = [10*t for t in tt]
elif matches[0][-1] == 'kPa':
tt = [101.97162129779*t for t in tt]
tmin = np.min(tt)
tmax = np.max(tt)
iref = dfm['ReferenceTag'].eq(dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag'])
tensions = dfm[iref][['Tmin', 'Tmax']].values[0, :]
if pd.isna(tmin) is False:
if tmin == tensions[0]:
dfm.loc[iref, 'Tmin_status'] = 'matched'
dfm.loc[iref, 'Tmin_status'] = 'not matched'
if pd.isna(tmax) is False:
if tmax == tensions[1]:
dfm.loc[iref, 'Tmax_status'] = 'matched'
dfm.loc[iref, 'Tmax_status'] = 'not matched'
#print(dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'], tensions, ' | nlp:', [tmin, tmax], matches)
# comments
# for how many have we got both Tmin and Tmax matched
df = dfm.groupby('ReferenceTag').first()
n = (df['Tmin_status'].eq('matched') & df['Tmax_status'].eq('matched')).sum()
print(n, 'references have both Tmin and Tmax matched')
14 references have both Tmin and Tmax matched
# group per publication to have meaningfull stats
def mode(x):
return stats.mode(x).mode[0]
dfmode = dfm.groupby('ReferenceTag').agg(mode)
matched 59
not matched 35
not parsed 32
parsed 19
unavailable 9
Name: diameter_status, dtype: int64
# scores on the selection of relevant information
df = dfmode['Tmax_status'].value_counts()
n = df.sum()
df['relevant'] = df['matched'] + df['not matched']
tp = df['relevant']
fp = df['parsed'] if 'parsed' in df.index else 0
tn = df['unavailable'] if 'unavailable' in df.index else 0
fn = df['not parsed'] if 'not parsed' in df.index else 0
recall = tp/(tp + fn)
precision = tp/(tp + fp)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
match = df['matched']/df['relevant']
print('recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall))
print('precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision))
print('F1 score: {:.2f}'.format(f1))
print('match: {:.2f}'.format(match))
dfscore = dfscore.append(
{'step': 'Tensions (Tmax)',
'n': n, # note that not all references have data in dfmtf
'recall': recall,
'precision': precision,
'f1': f1,
'match': match,
'method': 'Regex'},
Extract GPS coordinates¶
# convert to decimal degree
def dms2dec(out):
# string, deg, symbol, minute, symbol, second, symbol, direction
deg = float(out[1]) if out[1] != '' else 0
mnt = float(out[3]) if out[3] != '' else 0
sec = float(out[5]) if out[5] != '' else 0
dec = deg + mnt/60 + sec/60/60
dec = -dec if (out[-1] == 'S')|(out[-1] == 'W')|(out[-1] == 'O') else dec
return dec
# detect GPS coordinates
coord = []
dfloc['location_status'] = 'unavailable' # not in db
dfloc.loc[dfloc['lat'].notnull(), 'location_status'] = 'not parsed' # available in db but not parsed
for i, text in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
# try to match DMS notation
text = text.replace('\n',' ').replace('\x04','*').replace('\x03','*')
text = text.replace('\x01','*').replace(',','.') # \x04 is EOT End Of Transmission
latTime = re.findall("(([+-]?[1-8]?\d|[+-]?90)([°◦*oO])\s?(\d{1,2})(.)\s?(\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?)?.?.?\s?(latitude\s)?([NS]))", text)
lonTime = re.findall("(([+-]?180|[+-]?1[0-7]\d|[+-]?[1-9]?\d)([°◦*oO])\s?(\d{1,2}?)(.)\s?(\d{1,2}(\.\d+)?)?.?.?\s?(longitude\s)?([WEO]))", text)
# sometimes the symbol for minutes is transformed in a zero
if len(latTime) > 0:
for l in range(len(latTime)):
a = latTime[l]
if a[3] == ' ': # we would expect the symbol for minute
latTime[l] = a[:2] + (latTime[l][2][:-1],) + a[3:] # remove last symbol
if len(lonTime) > 0:
for l in range(len(lonTime)):
a = lonTime[l]
if a[3] == ' ': # we would expect the symbol for minute
lonTime[l] = a[:2] + (lonTime[l][2][:-1],) + a[3:] # remove last symbol
# try some popular edge cases
if len(latTime) == 0:
latTime = re.findall("((\d+)(8)(\d{2,}))(['0V9])\s?(\d+\.\d+)?()\s?(latitude\s)?([NS])", text)
lonTime = re.findall("((\d+)(8)(\d{2,}))(['0V9])\s?(\d+\.\d+)?()\s?(longitude\s)?([WOE])", text)
if len(latTime) == 0:
latTime = re.findall("(([NS])\s(\d+)(8)(\d{2,}))(['0V9])\s?(\d+\.\d+)?()", text)
lonTime = re.findall("(([WOE])\s(\d+)(8)(\d{2,}))(['0V9])\s?(\d+\.\d+)?()", text)
latTime = [a[1:] + (a[-1],) for a in latTime]
lonTime = [a[1:] + (a[-1],) for a in lonTime]
# convert to decimal degree
lats = [dms2dec(a) for a in latTime]
lons = [dms2dec(a) for a in lonTime]
# try to match decimal notation
if len(lats) == 0:
latDeg = re.findall("([+-]?(([1-8]?\d|90)\.\d+)[°◦*oO⬚]?\s?([NS]))", text)
lonDeg = re.findall("([-+]?((180|1[0-7]\d|[1-9]?\d)\.\d+)[°◦*oO⬚]?\s?([WEO]))", text)
lats = [float(a[1]) if a[3] == 'N' else -float(a[1]) for a in latDeg]
lons = [float(a[1]) if a[3] == 'E' else -float(a[1]) for a in lonDeg]
# edge case of decimal notation
if len(lats) == 0:
latDeg = re.findall("(lat\.\s.(([+-]?[1-8]?\d|[+-]?90)\.\d+)[°◦*oO⬚]?)", text)
lonDeg = re.findall("(long\.\s.(([-+]?180|[-+]?1[0-7]\d|[-+]?[1-9]?\d)\.\d+)[°◦*oO⬚]?)", text)
lats = [float(a[1]) for a in latDeg]
lons = [float(a[1]) for a in lonDeg]
# rounding for easier comparison
lats = [np.round(a, 2) for a in lats]
lons = [np.round(a, 2) for a in lons]
# save them
dfloc.loc[i, 'location_nlp'] = ','.join([str(a) for a in lats]) + '|' + \
','.join([str(a) for a in lons])
if len(latTime) > 0:
dfloc.loc[i, 'location_status'] = 'found'
# check against manually inputed values
ie = dfloc['ReferenceTag'] == dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag']
for j in np.where(ie)[0]: # index in dfloc
if len(lats) > 0:
if dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'] == 'unavailable':
dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'] = 'parsed'
elif dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'] == 'not parsed':
dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'] = 'not matched'
if np.nanmin(np.array(lats) - dfloc.loc[j, 'lat']) < 0.1: # some tolerance
dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'] = 'matched'
if dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'] in []:#'parsed']:
print(dfloc.loc[j, 'location_status'], i, '--', j, '++++', dfloc.loc[j, 'lat'], lats,
'||', latTime, latDeg, '<<', dfpub.loc[i, 'fname'])
#print(i, latTime, lonTime)
if len(latTime) > 0:
coord += latTime
matched 33.971292
found 22.009569
not parsed 13.875598
unavailable 13.875598
not matched 12.440191
parsed 3.827751
Name: location_status, dtype: float64
# scores on the selection of relevant information
df = dfloc['location_status'].value_counts()
n = df.sum()
df['relevant'] = df['matched'] + df['not matched']
tp = df['relevant']
fp = df['parsed'] if 'parsed' in df.index else 0
tn = df['unavailable'] if 'unavailable' in df.index else 0
fn = df['not parsed']
recall = tp/(tp + fn)
precision = tp/(tp + fp)
f1 = 2 * (precision * recall)/(precision + recall)
match = df['matched']/df['relevant']
print('recall: {:.2f}'.format(recall))
print('precision: {:.2f}'.format(precision))
print('F1 score: {:.2f}'.format(f1))
print('match: {:.2f}'.format(match))
dfscore = dfscore.append(
{'step': 'Coordinates',
'n': n,
'recall': recall,
'precision': precision,
'f1': f1,
'match': match,
'method': 'Regex',
}, ignore_index=True)
# table for paper
pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
df = dfscore.copy().rename(columns={'step': 'Extracted', 'recall': 'Recall', 'method': 'Method',
'precision': 'Precision', 'match': 'Accuracy', 'f1': 'F1-score'})
df[['Extracted', 'Method', 'n', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1-score', 'Accuracy']].style.hide_index()
Extract management practices¶
Just use keywords and possibly lemna frequency to identify which practice is being used. The keywords for the agricultural practices come from the Bonares knowledge library and are completemented by AGROVOC vocabulary.
# load vocabulary
dfsyn = pd.read_csv(datadir + '../dfsyn.csv') # load original words and their synonyms
# regex-based (fast enough)
lemmas = dfsyn['lemma'].unique()
dfmgtcoo = pd.DataFrame(columns=['pubid', 'ReferenceTag'] + list(lemmas))
for i, doc in tqdm(enumerate(rawdocs), total=len(rawdocs)):
dfmgtcoo.loc[i, 'pubid'] = dfpub.loc[i, 'fname']
dfmgtcoo.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag'] = dfpub.loc[i, 'ReferenceTag']
for lemma in lemmas:
matches = re.findall(lemma, doc.lower())
dfmgtcoo.loc[i, lemma] = len(matches)
dfmgtcoo.to_csv(datadir + 'dfmgtcoo.csv', index=False)
# load
dfmgtcoo = pd.read_csv(datadir + 'dfmgtcoo.csv')
# overview
s = pd.DataFrame(dfmgtcoo.sum())
s = s[2:] # remove first pubid an referencetag
s = s.drop_duplicates()
s = s.rename(columns={s.columns[0]: 'number'})
s = s[s['number'] > 20] # discard too small
s = s[s['number'] < 500] # discard too big
s = s[~s.index.isin(['drainage', 'sow', 'space','residue'])]
s = s.sort_values('number')
print(s.shape[0], 'number of lemma found at least once in a document')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))'Number of references that contain them', ax=ax);
21 number of lemma found at least once in a document

# simple co-occurence matrix between concept
# which practice is usually investigated with which other
# a practice is 'investigated' if keywords appears more than 10 times
cols = s.index
n = len(cols)
coo = np.zeros((n, n))*np.nan
cooPrc = np.zeros(coo.shape)*np.nan
df = dfmgtcoo[cols].copy().reset_index(drop=True) > 0 # the document contains the word
for i, col in enumerate(cols):
serie = df[col]
x = df.values & serie.values[:, None] # number of studies that shares the keywords
coo[i, :] = np.sum(x, axis=0)
cooPrc[i, :i] = np.sum(x, axis=0)[:i]/df.shape[0]*100
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
cax = ax.imshow(cooPrc, cmap=cmap)
fig.colorbar(cax, ax=ax, label='Percentage of papers that share both keywords', extend='both')
labs = []
for col in cols:
word = dfsyn[dfsyn['lemma'] == col]['bonares_voc'].values[0]
labs = cols
xx = np.arange(n)
ax.set_xticklabels(labs, rotation=90)
fig.savefig(outputdir + 'co-occurrence-practices-otim.jpg', dpi=300)