
Climate change adaptation through soil and crop management: synthesis and ways forward



Flemish research institute for agriculture, fisheries and food (EV-ILVO) *Project coordinator
Sarah Garré, Guillaume Blanchy

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Nicholas Jarvis, Mats Larsbo, Katharina Meurer, Lisbet Lewan

Agroscope (AGS)
John Koestel, Lukas Albrecht

Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)
Claudia Di Bene, Pasquale Nino, Gilberto Bragato, Guido Bonati, Roberta Farina, Sergio Francesco Antonio Pellegrini

Wageningen University & Research (WR)
Sinead O’Keeffe, Jan Hassink, Jan Verhagen

Project Information

CLIMASOMA is a synthesis project in the framework of EJP Soil

Duration: 12 months
Topic: CA1 - Evaluating soil management options for the specific objective of climate change adaptation*
H2020 Grant agreement number:* 862695