Chapter 1¶
Chapter 2¶
AECM: Agricultural-Environment-Climate Measures
CAP: Common Agricultural Policy. The set of legislation and practices adopted by the European Union to provide a common, unified policy on agriculture. The initial measures were introduced in 1962. Since then, the policy has been adapted and developed and has undergone a number of reforms.
CSF: Common Strategic Framework, translates the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy into workable actions for the 5 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).
Cross-compliance: A system linking most CAP payments to a set of basic standards to ensure the good agricultural and environmental condition of land (GAECs) and certain obligations, known as statutory management requirements (SMRs). SMRs are defined in the respective EU legislation on the environment, climate change, public, animal and plant health, and animal welfare.
Direct payments: Aid granted directly to farmers to provide them a safety net. They mainly take the form of a basic income support, not linked to production. They help to stabilise farmers’ income stemming from sales on the markets, which are subject to volatility. Direct payments are made from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), commonly referred to as ‘Pillar I’ of the CAP.
ECA: European Court of Auditors
EFA: Ecological Focus Areas. Land on farms dedicated to specific practices or features beneficial for the environment. Under greening, farms generally must dedicate at least 5 % of their arable land to EFAs.
EIP: European Innovation Partnership
ESIF: European Structural and Investment Funds, finance the EU territorial/cohesion policies. The ESIF include five different funds, which are all covered by Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the so-called ‘Common Provisions Regulation’. The Structural Funds have two components: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), providing financial support for the development and structural adjustment of regional economies, economic change, enhanced competitiveness as well as territorial cooperation throughout the EU; and the European Social Fund (ESF), seeking to contribute to the adaptability of workers and enterprises, access to employment and participation in the labour market, social inclusion of disadvantaged people, combating all forms of discrimination, and creating partnerships to manage reforms in employment. The other three funds constituting the ESIF are the Cohesion Fund, which supports exclusively less-developed Member States; the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development; and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
EGD: European Green Deal - provide a roadmap for making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050
ESPG: Environmentally Sensitive Permanent Grassland
GAEC: Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition. Collective term for a set of basic standards, applicable under cross compliance, defining good agricultural and environmental condition of land.
PG: The permanent grassland ratio. Ratio of permanent grassland to total agricultural areas
Pillar I of the CAP: Part of the Common Agricultural Policy encompassing direct payments to farmers and market measures.
Pillar II of the CAP: Part of the Common Agricultural Policy encompassing rural development measures.
SMR: Statutory Management Requirements. A collective term for a set of obligations defined in the respective EU legislation on the environment, climate change, public, animal and plant health, and animal welfare, and applicable under cross-compliance.
RDP: Rural development Programme**,** An EU policy, commonly referred to as Pillar II of the CAP, addressing the economic, environmental and social needs of EU rural areas. Rural development payments are made from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), with Member State co-financing.
SOC: Soil Organic Content
Chapter 3¶
Atl: Atlantic climate risk zone
BMP: Best Management practices
Bus. Diver Business diversity
CC: Climate change
CC & AD: Climate change awareness and Adaptation
CCA: Climate change awareness
CE: Choice experiment
Cont: Continental climate risk zone
Cvs: Cultivars
DLO: Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek
EEA: European Environmental Agency
Env. Respon: Environmentally responsible
EO: Ecologically orientated
FTZ: Farm Type Zone
IB: Innovative behaviour
IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LPA: Less productive areas
MPPACC: Model of Private Proactive Adaptation to Climate Change
N: Northern climate risk zone
No Till: No Tillage
PAE: Perceived adaptation efficacy
PCA: Principal component analysis
PCC: Positive CC
PMT: protection motivation theory
PO: Production orientation
PRM: Profit and resource maximiser
PsCC: Passive CC
S: Southern climate risk zone
SE: self -efficacy
SR: Sceptical regulations
Srg: short rotation, grassland
Chapter 4¶
C: Carbon
CH4: Methane
CO2: Carbon dioxide
ETa: Actual evapotranspiration
EU: European Union
GHG: Greenhouse Gas
MBC: Microbial Biomass Carbon
MBN: Microbial Biomass Nitrogen
N: Nitrogen
N2O: Nitrous oxide
pCO2: Pressure of CO2
Rs: Soil respiration
SFT: Space-For-Time substitution approach
SOC: Soil Organic Carbon
SOM: Soil Organic Matter
WP: Work Package
Chapter 5¶
Ks: saturateed hzdraulic conductivity
Kh: saturated or near-saturated hydraulic conductivity in the tension range between 0 and 100 mm
Kx: hydraulic conductivity at tension of x mm, e.g. K100
OTIM-DB: Open Tension-disk Infiltrometer Database
ES: effect size
LGB: light gradient boosting (a machine learning approach)
SHAP: Shapley additive explanations (an index that quantifies the importance of a predictor in a machine
learning approach)
RMSE: root mean squared error
WRB: World reference base
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
Chapter 6¶
NLP: Natural Language Processing
WRB: World reference base
USDA: United States Department of Agriculture
LDA: Latent Dirichlet Algorithm